Uncanny X-Men #128 December 1979 The Action of the Tiger! Chris Claremont: Writer/Co-plotter John Byrne: Pencils/Co-plotter Terry Austin: Inker Tom Orzechowski: Letters Glynis Wein: Colours Well here's a treat. Claremont and Byrne X-Men. Comics in this period rarely came with a pedigree like this. What can be said about this epoch-shaping, genre-defining, nailed-on classic run that has not been said already? We find ourselves here on the road to the original Dark Phoenix saga, and of course, as this is Claremont, events are very much already in motion. Every mention of Jean's powers seems charged with foreshadowing, even though the Dark Phoenix story proper is still some way off. For the time being, Jean is simply Phoenix. For now, the merry band of mutants find themselves up against the reality warping Proteus, the mutant son of Moira McTaggart, formerly held under the codename "Mutant X". The story takes place in Edinburgh. Claremont was born ...