The Fantastic Four #213 December 1979 In Final Battle! Script: Marv Wolfman Illustrations: John Byrne & Joe Sinnott Letters: J Costanza Colours: Ben Sean In the last post (Thor #290) I mentioned that the ongoing story in Thor at the time had started life in Jack Kirby's Eternals series, and was moved over to Thor when that book was cancelled. Something similar was happening at the same time with the Fantastic Four picking up on a story from Nova, which ended its original twenty five issue run in mid 1979. While Nova himself had left the stage by this point, we join the Four here at the climax of a battle between Nova's arch-nemesis The Sphinx and the planet-devouring all powerful being Galactus himself. The Four have been aged by Skrull technology, or at least three of them have. The Human Torch is still very much his old, or young, self. And also in the mix is Terrax, who at this point is the Herald of Galactus. Both Terrax and the Sphinx would ...