Hail True Believers! And welcome to the wondrous world of wild writings, the motherlode of Marvel masterpiece musings, the site of second-rate Stan Lee soundbites! Yes, you have stumbled upon my blog about 80s Marvel Comics! A little background. My Mum tells a story of when I was just a boy, picking up a comic book from the local newsagent. She was wary of the bright colours and lurid art style, and questioned the shopkeeper (who was from somewhere near Newcastle, but for the purposes of this story, you can totally picture him as Stan Lee, making an unlikely cameo. If that makes you happy. And if doesn't, you may be in the wrong place.) She asked him if this publication was likely to adversely affect my development, would it warp my young mind and lead me on the early steps to a life of misadventure, drug abuse, crime and sexual deviancy? The kindly gent behind the shop counter pointed to the corner box of the title and told her that if it said Marvel, it would be absol...